About Jon

Jon is the Founder and CEO of FTW Lifestyle, here’s a little bit from the boss himself.

My name is Jon Mills and I’m an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist. I specialize in bodybuilding, transformations, and gut health care through nutrition. However, I wasn’t always this way. I was a born GAMER!

I grew up playing on my Atari 2600, and my Commodore 64. Back when games used to take ages to load and you could only dream of a 12 bit gaming system. Not long after, the original Nintendo came out, and I drifted through gaming consoles like most my age. Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, Playstation, Xbox etc. I spent countless hours on the couch playing games like GoldenEye with my friends. As we all gathered around cheering each other on, while destroying pizza and Coca-cola. 

Then a fateful day in December 1999, was the day I was introduced to my first MMORPG, EverQuest. My life was flipped upside down! I couldn’t get off the game! I ate at the pc, downed soda at the pc, and smoked like a chimney. All while mindlessly grinding exp in hopes of that next elusive level. In 2000 I joined up with Verant and became GM on the Veeshan server. 

I drifted from game to game exploring new worlds, but all with the same lifestyle. Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft, and Rift were among some of my most notable MMORPGS. I also loved RTS and FPS. I played Command and Conquer, Age of Empires, Counter Strike, and hundreds of other various titles throughout the years. But, I always came back to EverQuest. 

In 2006 is when I really came into my own and I started writing quests and events for EverQuest. You can still see many of my stories, events and characters in game today if you know where to look. After almost 8 years of work, I decided to take my leave and bid adieu to EverQuest and Sony Online Entertainment. 

So here’s where it really gets interesting. By this point I was having chronic chest pain and feeling like trash. It was extremely scary! I was only 34 years old and I was way too young to be having chest pain. Keep in mind at this point I was only 170ish pounds, but I was smoking 2 packs a day and drinking about 10 Coca-cola’s a day. I was also extremely sedentary from sitting at my desk for sometimes 18 hours of the day. On one of my worst days, I went to the hospital. They ran an EKG on me, and basically said “Son you have hypertension. If you don’t quit smoking, and change your life then I’m going to have to put you on medication.” 

Well that was it for me! I’m too young to be on high blood pressure medication! And that is when I began to turn my life around. I devoted my mind and future to fitness in much the same way I did to games. I studied nutrition, I did countless exercise programs and over time I began to not only see results, but to feel better and to have improved confidence. Now I am a certified personal trainer and I have coached hundreds of clients to successful results. I have helped people heal and reverse chronic and life long ailments through proper nutrition and fitness. Now I look forward to helping YOU! Welcome to FTW Lifestyle!
