FTW Lifestyle is the first of it’s kind to blend nutrition, and with fitness. Then we took it a step further and then focused it at a singular goal… gaming.
The mind is the key to our body’s responses. How we analyze the world, interpret the data and then react to that stimulus. Every function, reaction, impulse and desire is controlled by the brain. It’s common knowledge that someone in good health, will usually perform better in a given activity than someone in poorer health. Also someone with higher intelligence and focus will perform better in mentally based tasks than someone who is less intelligent or lacking the focus or knowledge to perform the task.
So why don’t we apply this concept to gaming? Sure gaming levels the playing field to a point. In a first person shooter the amount of muscles you have on your body is rather irrelevant. Instead it’s primarily about reaction time, hand/eye dexterity, and accuracy. However these traits are also governed by different muscles and neurological responses. Our goal with this program is to develop a better quality of life for the players, but also increase their cognitive abilities, mental aptitude and reaction speed/accuracy through quick twitch muscle fiber increase and enhanced neurological pathways.
Imagine that you could out maneuver, outperform, and react more quickly and accurately than your opponent. All you have to do is level up your real life body and mind the same way you do your character in game. What if I told you that you could kill more people per game, react faster than your opponent and be more accurate than your enemy. Would you do it? Of course you would! We all want that edge in-game. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
Are you curious to learn more and how it works?
Or are you ready to start your journey today? You can get our Ebooks, or look over our plans that will vastly improve your in-game skills.
The FTW lifestyle not only gave me the fundamentals but also building blocks to start a better workout along with diet and nutrition but also quicker reaction times which I can use in work or in my daily life!!! Thank you FTW for giving me my life back and creating a new and healthier lifestyle!!
Lee L.
FTW was an amazing leap forward for me. For the first time in my fitness journey I had true accountability as well as a guiding voice that I was able to reach out to on a daily basis. The programming involved was well suited to an Undead Warlock WoW addict like me. What I found out was more then anything all the “studying” I did to improve my Lock Skillset was the same type of “studying” I would be doing to improve my fitness gains as well as my video game playing. I saw noticeable improvements in my FPS and HOTS Counter skills. So noticeable in fact that it was positively commented upon by those I game with on a regular basis. So if you are in the habitat for fitness and gaming growth then FTW is the best bar none. FTW is called FOR THE WIN for a reason. It will help you succeed, it will help you Adapt, It will help you Overcome and IT WILL HELP YOU WIN.
J. Fuz